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Order Activity Notifications

Be Alerted When Your Consumer Reaches Out or Sends a Document

Jessica Corosine avatar
Written by Jessica Corosine
Updated over a week ago

One cool thing about ScribOrder is that consumers have the ability send messages or upload documents directly through the Order Tracker. This allows for seamless communication between your applicants and your office. In order to enhance the ability to communicate with your consumers, we have revamped the notification system, i.e., how you are notified when an applicant updates their order.

We think you'll love it, so read on to see how it works:

First, you will see a Red Exclamation Point to the left of the Process Orders link in the top navigation bar.  That icon says you have received feedback from a person who ordered a document. This could be a text message, a voicemail message, or a document uploaded to the application.

Once you see it, you can simply click on the Process Orders link to open a drop-down menu.

The NEW menu item is called Unread Notifications.  If you click on that menu item, you will be taken to a list of all notifications or updates to applications that you have not yet read.

The list is organized in ascending order of the age of the notification. In other words, the oldest notification is on top. You can also change the sorting of the Order Submitted date from ascending to descending by clicking on the word Submitted in the column header.

To review these applications, simply click on the Order Number and scroll down down to the Work History you can see that a message was sent by the consumer.  If there were an attachment (the consumer uploaded a document to the application), you would see that attachment link in the blue Documents Private to Order Detail section.

Once you have read the message, viewed the attachment, or taken any action necessary, you can scroll to the top of the application and click the red Clear Notice button shown below (in the green section at the top of the application).

This works with both OPEN and CLOSED orders, so you are always informed when a consumer sends a message or uploads a document to their application!

For District Administrators Only

As a district administrator, you have the ability to clear all notifications system wide with the click of a single button. If you notice that you have a list of applications that have already been reviewed and action taken, simply click the red Clear All Notifications button to the right of the Notification Order List.

This will remove the red exclamation point from the top menu item and you will have a fresh start!

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