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Family Dashboard Tour

A tour of the Scribbles Family Dashboard

Jessica Corosine avatar
Written by Jessica Corosine
Updated over a week ago

Hi there! My name is Chandler! I'm here to give you a quick tour of the Family Dashboard! This is where parents will be submitting their choice/enrollment applications. While we won't be submitting an application today, we will highlight some of the functionality of the Family Dashboard. More detailed descriptions of these features can be found in other articles.

So what is the Family Dashboard? In short, the Family Dashboard is a central location for applications, secure documents, and status updates for all students. The Family Dashboard will be created by the parent and will be used for all of their children. The Family Dashboard is tied to the family, not the student.

Let's start at the top of the page! You will see listed in the blue box steps that will walk the parent through the process. We know that each School District is unique. That's why these steps can be adjusted and changed to accurately reflect your district's process.

We are aware that some families may prefer a video tutorial. Below the steps, you will see the "How to Videos". These are videos that will guide parents through the process of enrolling their children.

Scrolling down, we'll see the main contents of the Family Dashboard. Let's start with the "Associate Student" button. If the parent has multiple children, they can keep their information together on the Family Dashboard by clicking on the blue "Associate Student" button. They will complete a profile for each child, and their applications will show on the Family Dashboard in the same location once submitted.

Next in line, View Open Tasks. Important information that needs to be completed by the family will appear here in the "View Open Tasks" portion of the Family Dashboard. If you click on this red button, it will show any open items to complete.

You will also see in this location the "View/Add Residency Docs" button. This is where the parent can upload documents related to their residency. You'll notice here that the button will blur into the background once the documentation is uploaded.

Moving to the opposite side of the page, you'll first see the "Submit Application" button. This is, of course, the button that is used when the parent is ready to submit their application. A student must be associated with the account before an application can be submitted.

Next, you will see the "Edit Profile" button. This button can be used to change the information attached to the account, such as the address, email address, and guardian information.

Back to the left side of the page are the student profiles. The parent will be able to edit the profiles by using the pencil icon located next to the name of the student they wish to change the information for.

Finally, around the middle of the page, we will see any submitted applications listed. This will include not only the application status but all of the basic information for that application. Additionally, under the "Actions" portion of the application, you will see the ability to leave a voicemail; however, this section can display other information as well.

That's the tour! Of course, this only went over the basic functionality of the dashboard. There is plenty more we can talk about! So come chat with us if you have any questions!

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