Logging In
Each user has a unique user ID and password to access ScribChoice. Type in your
Username/Email Address and password and click the Sign In button.
Bookmark / Add to favorites the following URL:
** Keep in mind, when using ScribChoice as a User or School Employee, the URL will end with /appList. If you remove /appList from the URL, you will be redirected to the parent homepage site. Likewise, if a parent is trying to log into the Family Dashboard using the /appList URL, they will not have the proper credentials to log in.
Changing Password:
For security purposes, it is essential that each must change their password in conjunction with
the current policy. To change your password, sign in to ScribChoice and click your User ID at the
top right-hand corner of the screen.
Click on your User ID and select Profile:
On the Profile Page, type in the custom password twice and click “Save Profile”.
** After clicking ‘Save Profile’ the page will refresh automatically and the password field will appear blank. Keep in mind that the new password did take effect, the page will just refresh and clear out the password field.
Contacting Support:
Intercom Icon: The support team can be reached in multiple ways! This icon pictured below can be used to start a conversation with our support team!
Send our support team a direct message by clicking the yellow chatbox. Chat with one of our support team members to resolve any issue/ problem you may come across. The Support Team is well versed with all things ScribChoice, both from the user and the family perspective. The more information that you can give the team, the better/ quicker they will be able to assist and remedy any situation that comes up.
Support Contact Information for Users: support@scribsoft.com
Support Contact Information for Parents/ Families: help@scribsoft.com