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Section 2: Locating/ Navigating to Orders/ Applications
Section 2: Locating/ Navigating to Orders/ Applications
Jessica Corosine avatar
Written by Jessica Corosine
Updated over 10 months ago

Let’s break down the Processing Applications page into 3 different sections.


The first section is called the “Headers,” section. The Headers are located at the top of the screen and feature 6 different options that we will break down below.

Family Dashboard: This dropdown allows the user to go to the Family Dashboard, the Dashboard User List (parents), and the Dashboard Student list. The Family Dashboard dropdown allows the user to locate students and assist parents in using the Family Dashboard.

Process Orders: This dropdown is like a home or refresh button. It allows the user to select which specific applications are visible for processing.

Reports: This tab is where the lottery process can be located/ initiated in addition to several other reports such as students entering or leaving the district.

Admin: Used by administrators, not by most users.

User Button (Administrator): Access to the user profile to change password or sign out, among other functions


The tabs are located right below the headers.

My Apps: These are applications that are assigned/ belong to the user; they have been assigned or grabbed. This Tab keeps all of our assigned applications in one place after clicking the “Grab and Process” button

Unassigned Apps: Haven’t been approved, denied or assigned to anyone. These apps will move to the My Apps tab of any user that is assigned these applications.

All Apps: This tab shows both My Apps assigned to me, Unassigned Apps or apps that have not been assigned, and apps that have been assigned to other users. This Tab shows all of the apps in ScribChoice regardless of status.

Coupons: This shows all of the available and active coupon codes. Users can create new Coupon Codes from here as well- The Coupons tab can also be used to get to the Appeals function

Search Bar: Allows for search by criteria

Status Menu: Allows for search by application status

Filter: Opens different filters to search by. Filters include school, grade, opportunity, and status

Number: Shows the number of unassigned orders waiting to be processed / not assigned


Our Orders or Applications are displayed below the Headers and Tabs.

Order number: Blue, hyper-linked number that opens order for review/processing

Applicant Name: Show’s applicant name and Email Address associated with the account email address underneath

Next Grade: This shows the grade that the student will be going into after the current year

School Year: This shows the School Year that the application is being submitted for

Requested School: Shows requested school as well as zoned/ boundary school in parenthesis

Docs Uploaded: Shows up green if complete and red if incomplete

Request Type: Which type of application is being submitted

Status: shows processing status/ payment status

Submitted: Date/ time stamp of application submission

Owner: Who is processing the application, if “none” no owner has been assigned

Orders pt 2.

There are 5 action buttons that allow you to perform different actions on an application.

Mass Approve: This button will approve all of the applications that are currently in progress - **this feature will need to be enabled as it is only available for some users

Grab and Process: Assigns an application to a specific user and allows them to process the application

Printer: The printer icon allows the user to print an application

Trashcan: The trash icon deletes the application. Once an application has been deleted, it can not be recovered

Tags: The tag button merges applications. Rather than have an individual fill out an entire other application, simply merge an old/ existing application with another to save some of the information together. The video and explanation below will go into further detail on how to merge an application.

Just click on the "tag" icon pictured below. This is the third option below both the "printer" and the "trash" icons.

Select the order that you want to merge the selected order into.

And you are done! Keep in mind, that the order number that the application is merged into will remain the same.

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