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Getting Started With ScribEnroll

Basic tips for application processing

Jessica Corosine avatar
Written by Jessica Corosine
Updated over 10 months ago

Once upon a time, there was an idea. An idea that student enrollment should be quick, easy, and convenient for all parties involved in the process, and thus ScribEnroll was born! ScribEnroll is an online application that allows school enrollment to be done entirely online. Today I want to go over the basics of processing these applications; a quick tour of the 'backend' of our system. So let's dive in!

The first thing we'll want to do is sign into our account (Scribbles can set us up with one). We'll need to enter our username and password to log into the system.

So now that we're logged in, we will be taken to a page that will allow us to navigate to the order we wish to process. First, we'll press 'Process Orders' and use the drop-down to access the student enrollment applications.

Now we'll pick the order we wish to process. We will press the order number on the left-hand side to open it up.

Now the order tour begins! At the top of the page, we'll see some tabs. These tabs will allow us to navigate to certain portions of the application.

We're going to notice some information below those tabs as well. These boxes will contain the application's order number, the application status, the payment status, and some basic information regarding the student and their guardian.

On the right side of the order, we'll see some options. We can save our progress, approve the application, and more.

Scroll down a bit, and we'll see some information regarding the student's sibling status.

Then we will get to the 'Application Specific Questions.' This will be the meat of the information we use to process the order and is exactly what it sounds like; questions that are made specifically for this particular application. 

(It's important to note that some of these questions may be configurable and you may not have all of these questions or you may have additional questions)

Towards the bottom of the application, we'll see two fields for comments. One is titled 'Guardian Comments' (for the parent to communicate with us) and the other 'Work Comments' (for us to communicate with each other).

Bellow that we'll see the documents that the guardian uploaded. The 'Application Specific Uploaded Docs' field is for the documents tied to the application, and the "Residency Uploaded Docs' field will provide us with the residency information (that's linked to the account). We'll also see the parent's E-Signature verifying they are who they say they are.

We will have our work history at the bottom of the order. This will contain our work comments, the changes in the order status, and pretty much any other work we (or our coworkers) have done on the application.

Pretty cool, right? With this information, we can hop in and start processing these applications! I think we're going to do great!

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