ScribEnroll Reassign Schools

Changing Assigned Grades and Schools in ScribEnroll

Thomas Austin avatar
Written by Thomas Austin
Updated over a week ago

You have an enrollment that has been approved, but you find out the student has moved and will be transferring to a new school within your School District.  With ScribEnroll, it is easy to change assigned schools on the enrollment application.

Let's start by looking at a brand new enrollment.  In a brand new enrollment, you can see the Requested School, the Zoned School, the Grade, etc.

In the "Enrolling Student and Guardian Information" section, you can see that there is not a school assigned.  The assigned school will be the Zoned School once the enrollment has been approved.

Now when you look at the Order you can see both the Assigned School and the Assigned Grade.

Now, if we need to change the assigned school.  You can do this by clicking the pencil icon next to assignment. 

And then you can select the new school and click Save (you can also change the Assigned Grade)

You can now see where the Assigned School was changed to the new school.

You can also change assignments when the enrollment is in "Enrolled" status.

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