You open an order and realize it is not an order for you to process. Maybe the records are located at another school, or the student forgot which school they attended, and you have to change the routing. Whatever the reason, you can move orders within ScribOrder/ScribTransfer. It's easy. Let's go ahead and get to it.
We are going to use Paul's application as an example. Let's first assign it to a new processor. First, open the Order and click the "Move Order" button.
Now you can search for a processor or pick one from the list. In this case, we are picking Cheryl.
Once you click on Cheryl, the Order will be moved to her. Now, we want to change the school routing. Using the same Order (you can see that Cheryl is currently the processor), we again click the "Move Order" button. Then we click on the "Change School Routing" tab.
Start typing the school that will receive the Order and then click on it.
Then Click "Update"
That's it!! You can now move orders!
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